Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I've got the fever...dengue fever!

Before you panic, no, I don't REALLY have dengue fever. (I'm looking at you, Mom.) But, it does exist around here. There's posters all over to prevent mosquitoes. This is perhaps more dangerous than pirates, and I was super freaked out for a bit before I realized a)Texas has more venomous snakes and spiders than almost anywhere in the WORLD, b) dengue fever is totally treatable, and c) I lived in New Mexico, where the bubonic plague still roams the earth. That's right. The Black Death. And I survived that. Still, I will be ever-vigilant against the scourge of mosquitoes.

On the subjects of things dangerous and scary, may I present...my shower.

Yes, that thing you see that looks like someone stapled a vacuum to the wall is my shower. And yes, the toilet is there, too. It's an all-in-one deal. You have to turn on the hot water heater, wait ten minutes, and then shower. The water is never hot, and the pressure is painful. Plus, you're standing next to a toilet. I contemplated putting my foot on the toilet to shave my leg, but decided that was too gross. Not pictured is the mop and bucket, also in the shower, which, as they are always damp, are a fertile breeding ground for DENGUE FEVER. It's all a bit dodgy, suffice it to say.

File this under the category of Things I Learned in Singapore that I Should Have Already Known: a rainstorm is not a good time to set off on a walk to the grocery store. Yet, I did so today. It rains every day here, torrential downpour for about an hour, then it stops. Adds to the whole tropical mystique, or just makes it bloody sticky all day. Plus, when you are wet from rain and step into the air-con (as the locals call it), you are REALLY cold! But, I did locate the nearest grocery store (called Cold Storage, as it turns out. Big chain here) and collect various foodstuffs. Quite a lot of sticker shock, believe you me. No, I will NOT pay 6.50 for a jar of Skippy! Well, maybe I will...

Good news-went to orientation today and got my schedule! It was apparently a government secret what classes I was taking before I got here, but now my schedule is in hand. I have classes three days a week, so I hope to get in a lot of travelling on my 4 day weekends! Speaking of travelling, my "travel buddies" I met yesterday are nice. I spent a lot of time with them today. They are, however, both very young (most of the people here are undergrads). One is 19 and the other 20! I feel like such an old lady. Perhaps I will be seen as "mature" and not a "fuddy-duddy". (Note to self-stop using words like fuddy-duddy. They young people aren't using them now.)

Also at the orientation, the speakers were all hilarious and dynamic. I had been told that Singaporeans are without a sense of humor and serious, but that could not be less true so far! With the exception of one cab driver, who cussed me out in Mandarin because I wasn't sure which side of the complex my building was on (yeah, I DO know those Mandarin curse words, pal! I might be a "white devil" but I'm a smart white devil!) everyone here has been exceedingly kind and funny. You could tell that all the speakers today loved their jobs. Is that just admissions people in general? I don't think so, these guys were extra perky. Is that the comfort of a stable economy?

Singapore is baffling because it's the land of a thousand rules, but also the land of peace. It's a bit like "1984" but also totally comforting. I know that if I jaywalk, I get a huge fine, so consequently I do not jaywalk. The deterrents here work! So people are afraid of speaking out against the "ruling" party, but that party takes care of them. I know it sounds really sketchy, and I have WAY more to learn before I formulate an opinion, but right now I'd say that whatever is in the water here, I want more of it.

I was really homesick today, not sure why. It's weird that I've only been here three days. It seems like an eternity. So much has happened! I think that, despite the fact I've only been gone from home three days, it's logical to be homesick now because Singapore is less familiar now than it ever will be. We'll go with that, for now. (This is my new favorite phrase. It's like my own "So it goes." And nobody please point out that I sort of stole it from Ave. Q. I did not. Not intentionally.)

Still no roommate. Where are you, Mystery Girl?

In conclusion, here are some pics from today. The shower was just a sneak preview!

The first one is my campus. The tower on the building reminded me of St. John's. The whole school is gorgeous and my photo is not doing it justice. I wish Tom was here. He takes better pictures.
#2 is a huge tree on campus that I thought was cool. Looks like the rainforest, no?
#3 is my dostel building, teeming with DENGUE FEVER!
#4 is my trusty pink camera, photographed in the mirror (thanks for the tip Patrick!)

Love you all!


  1. That IS a cool looking tree, so impressed with this adventure you have embarked on. And if you simply put the lid down on the toilet I don't think anyone would judge you for a more comfortable shaving position. Love you Lorda!

  2. I thought you were talking about the awesome band Dengue Fever:

